Let’s practice sentences using “아서/어서” to show reasons.
연습을 해 봅시다.
※Tap to see the answer.

날씨가 공원에 나들이 갔어요.
The weather was nice, so we took a little trip to the park.
The weather was nice, so we took a little trip to the park.

손을 젓가락을 못 잡아요.
I injured my hand and cannot hold chopsticks.
I injured my hand and cannot hold chopsticks.

시험이 너무 빵점을 맞았어요.
The exam was incredibly difficult and I got a zero.
The exam was incredibly difficult and I got a zero.

교통비가 할인돼요.
He’s an elementary school student, so he get a discount on transportation.
He’s an elementary school student, so he get a discount on transportation.

감기 기운이 그냥 집에서 쉴 거예요.
I have a cold and will just stay home and rest.
I have a cold and will just stay home and rest.

피망이 먹고 싶지 않아요.
I don’t like to eat bell peppers.
I don’t like to eat bell peppers.

밀가루가 빵을 만들지 못했습니다.
We didn’t have enough flour to make bread.
We didn’t have enough flour to make bread.

하루 종일 계속 너무 피곤해요.
I was so tired from working all day long.
I was so tired from working all day long.
대화를 해 봅시다.
예) 머리가 아프다
가: 왜 회사에 안 나왔어요?
나: 머리가 아파서 좀 쉬었어요.
1) 늦게 일어나다
가: 왜 약속시간에 늦었어요?
나: 버스를 놓쳤어요.
2) 친구가 놀러 오다
기: 어제는 왜 공부를 안 했어요?
나: 그랬어요.
3) 야근이 생기다
가: 왜 집에 늦게 들어갔어요?
나: 늦게까지 일했어요.
4) 카드 잔액이 부족하다
가: 편의점에서 아무 것도 안 샀어요?
나: 아무 것도 못 샀어요.
5) 마스크가 매진되다
가: 약국에서 마스크를 안 샀어요?
나: 하나도 못 샀어요.