Practice the basics of polite Korean.
-ㅂ니다/습니다 are used by a variety of people, from beginner Korean speakers to Korean newscasters.
That is how important these endings are, but these are also the endings that are learned in the early stages of Korean.
How to use “-ㅂ니다/습니다”.
An expression that politely concludes a sentence.
The common end of word used is ‘-ㅂ니다/습니다’.
For verbs or adjectives.
학교 + -이다 + -ㅂ니다 = 학교입니다
verbs or adjectives.
verbs or adjectives.
가다 + -ㅂ니다 = 갑니다
Nouns are combined with “이다+-ㅂ니다”, while verbs and adjectives use “-ㅂ니다/습니다”.
The combination depends on whether or not you have a patchum.
The use of “-ㅂ니다/습니다” depends on whether the verb or adjective stem has a patchum or not.
Vst + -ㅂ니다/습니다
가다 + -ㅂ니다 = 갑니다
기다리다 + -ㅂ니다 = 기다립니다
공부하다 + -ㅂ니다 = 공부합니다
먹다 + -습니다 = 먹습니다
입다 + -습니다 = 입습니다
덥다 + -습니다 = 덥습니다
길다 + -ㅂ니다 = 깁니다
걸다 + -ㅂ니다 = 겁니다
만들다 + -ㅂ니다 = 만듭니다
※Vst = stem of verbs or adjectives.
※V = verbs or adjectives.
※Av = an action verb
※Dv = an adiectiv
※st = stem
The stem is the basic form of a word in the dictionary minus the -다.
No patchum in the stem

I wait here for my friend.

The prices are high in Seoul.

Pork and carrots are cheap today.

I buy new clothes online.
‘-ㅂ니다’ goes under the stem patchm.
Have a patchum in the stem

I eat bread for breakfast.

Ms. Jiyeong is shorter than me.

I really don’t like that.

This clothes. has slightly shorter sleeves.
If the stem has a patchum, ‘-습니다’ is added.
“-ㅂ니까/습니까” is used for interrogative sentences.
“-ㅂ니까/습니까” is used for interrogative sentences.

Maybe you are very tired?

What kind of Korean food do you like?

Sujin, What kind of books do you read?
You must use -ㅂ니까 and -습니까 according to the stem patches even in interrogative sentences.
Exception to ㄹpatchim dropping out.
There are exceptions to the use of -ㅂ니다/습니다.

I make kimchi fried rice for dinner.

I call to China from Korea .

Is it far from your house to the office?
When the stem has a ㄹ patchme, ‘-ㅂ니다’ is inserted after the patchme is removed.
What nuances are there in “-ㅂ니다/습니다”?
Verbs express “what you do, action”.
“-ㅂ니다/습니다” is used in the same way for both verbs and adjectives.

What will you do tomorrow?

Tomorrow, I will meet my friend at Konkuk University entrance.
If you use “-ㅂ니다/습니다” with a verb, you are describing an action or behavior.
Adjectives describe a “state of affairs”.
When with adjectives, you are expressing a state of affairs.

Is this dish very salty?

This Sundubu-jjigae is a little hot.

Since when have you two been close?
Let’s practice various sentences expressing states of affairs.
The basic sentence, such as asking a person what plans to do, so be sure to master it.