The grammar for “- be” in Korean is ‘-입니다’.

However, there is another ending that is used in a similar way.

Let’s practice the other “- be” this time.

How to use “-이에요/예요”.

There are two ways to say “- be” in Korean.

There is no difference in meaning between -ㅂ니다 and -이에요/예요.

Both mean the same thing.

①저는 민숙입니다.
I’m Minsook.

②저는 민숙이에요.
I’m Minsook.

The meaning remains the same.

Although the meaning is the same, -이에요/예요 is often used in daily life.

“이에요/-예요” is used with nouns.

Like “-ㅂ니다/습니다”, “이에요/-예요” is used with nouns.

N + -이에요/-예요

연필  + 이에요 = 연필이에요
노트복 + 이에요 = 노트북이에요
핸드폰 + 이에요 = 핸드폰이에요

가수  + 예요 = 가수예요
김치  + 예요 = 김치예요
깍두기 + 예요 = 깍두기예요

※N = Nouns

The combination of ‘-이에요’ or ‘-예요’ depends on the presence or absence of patches.

Have a patchum

지금은 5시 32분이에요.
It’s 5:32 now.
이거는 한국어 이에요.
This is a Korean book.
내일은 쉬는 날이에요.
Tomorrow is a holliday.

In words with patches, just add -이에요 as is.

No patchum

이거는 독일산 맥주예요.
This is a German beer.
기록은 8분 45초예요.
The record is 8 minutes 45 seconds.
그 노트북은 엄마 거예요.
The laptop belonged to my mother.

For words without patches, use -이에요 shortened to -예요.

This means that even if you add -이에요 to a word without a patch, if you pronounce it quickly, it becomes -예요.

By the way, be careful because many people mistake -예요 for -에요.

Sentence structure remains the same in interrogative sentences.

The form of “-이에요/-예요” does not change in interrogative sentences.

전화번호가 몇 번이에요?
What is your phone number?
지금 몇 시예요?
What time is it now?
거기가 어디예요?
Where is it there?

In interrogative sentences, the intonation at the end of a word is to be raised and pronounced.

Standard expression when asking about price.

-이에요/예요 is a standard expression for asking about price.

이거 얼마예요?
How much is this?
그 컴퓨터는 133만원입니다.
The computer is 1,330,000 won.

Let’s practice by swapping vocabulary and numbers.

Consumer electronics











If you can smoothly exchange numbers and amounts of money, shopping in Korea will be more enjoyable.

Many people are not good at expressing numbers, so let’s practice more and more using -이에요/예요.