Let’s learn how to express verbs as nouns.

Verbs can be transformed like nouns, and there are more things that can be expressed by using nounized verbs.

What is nounization of verbs?

The noun form of a verb is “-기”.

-기 can be used to make a verb like a noun.

Nounization of verbs.

읽다: read
쓰다: write


Nominalized verb
읽기: reading
쓰기: writing

Since this is all, it is not very difficult.

How to use “-기”.

Regardless of whether the word stem has a patchum or not, let’s give it a -기.

Av + -기

가다 + -기 = 가
싸다 + -기 = 싸
달리다 + -기 = 달리

먹다 + -기 = 먹
읽다 + -기 = 읽

밥하다 + -기 = 밥하
요리하다 + -기 = 요리하

매일 학교에 가기가 즐거워요.
I enjoy going to school everyday.
쓰기 연습을 어떻게 하면 좋을까요?
How can I practice writing?
혼자 먹기에는 양이 많아요.
A lot of food for one person.
이거를 쓰면 짐 싸기가 편해요.
This makes packing easy.

The sentence pattern of -기 is easy to make.

Standard pattern using “-기”.

Indicates likes and dislikes.

Typical expressions using -기 include likes and dislikes.

저는 등산과 걷기를 좋아해요.
I like treking and walking.
난 달리기를 싫어해요.
I hate running.
우유는 마시기 싫어요.
I don’t want to drink milk.
일하기 싫어서 회사 땡땡이 치고 놀았어요.
I didn’t want to work, so I skipped work and go out.
-기가 좋다, -기가 싫다

And -기를 좋아하다/싫어하다 are also commonly used patterns.

Expressing “easy to ~” and “hard to ~”.

Simple or difficult things are often expressed with “-기” too.

한국사람들한테 일본어는 배우기가 쉬워요.
Japanese is easy to learn for Korean.
러시아어는 발음하기가 어려워요.
Russian is difficult to pronounce.
여기는 시골이라 사람을 만나기가 힘들어요.
We’re in the countryside here, so we rarely see people.
요즘은 제때에 퇴근하기가 어렵습니다.
I can’t go home on time these days.
-기가 쉽다, -기가 어렵다

You should also learn this as a basic pattern.

Also used as a symbol in mathematical formulas.

-기 also appear in math symbols.

Symbols used in mathematical formulas.

:더하다 + -기 = 더하
:빼다  + -기 = 빼
×:곱하다 + -기 = 곱하
÷:나누다 + -기 = 나누

If you have time, please read the simple mathematical formula in Korean.

Incidentally, public transportation in Seoul is convenient and easy to transfer.