Let’s traning using “-려고 하다” to talk the purpose and intention of actions.
연습을 해 봅시다.
※Tap to see the answer.

내일은 집에서
I plan to stay home tomorrow and rest.
I plan to stay home tomorrow and rest.

내일 아침
I am leaving tomorrow morning.
I am leaving tomorrow morning.

한 달에 두 권씩 책을
I’m going to read two books a month each.
I’m going to read two books a month each.

다음 달에
I’m thinking of moving next month.
I’m thinking of moving next month.

배 고파서 라면을
I was hungry and tried to boil a ramen.
I was hungry and tried to boil a ramen.

처음에는 하숙집에
At first I was going to live in a boarding house.
At first I was going to live in a boarding house.

저도 궁금해서
I was curious too and tried to find out.
I was curious too and tried to find out.

사람이 쓰러져서 구급차를
Someone collapsed and I tried to call an ambulance.
Someone collapsed and I tried to call an ambulance.
대화를 해 봅시다.
예) 찌개를 만들다
가: 슈퍼에서 뭘 샀어요?
나: 찌개를 만들려고 두부를 샀어요.
1) 노래를 부르다
가: 2차는 어디에 갔어요?
나: 노래방에 갔어요.
2) 짐을 보내다
가: 뭐하려고 우체국에 갔습니까?
나: 우체국에 갔습니다.
3) 한자를 외우다
가: 왜 책을 샀어요?
나: 책을 샀어요.
4) 돈을 찾다
가: 뭐하려고 은행에 갔어요?
나: 은행에 갔어요.
5) 취업용 사진을 찍다
가: 어제는 뭐했어요?
나: 어제는 사진관에 갔어요.