An expression used when giving someone instructions is called a command.

Commands can be distinguished into two types “-세요” and “-지 마세요” Of these, instructions are used in the former nuance.

In this time, let’s practice the expression and usage of instructions.

Expressions to make the other person do something.

When you have something you want the other person to “do”.

-세요 is used when you have something you want them to do.

The instruction in Korean.

여기서 기다립니다.
I’ll wait here.


여기서 기다리세요.
Please wait here.

Even if you speak in a polite tone, it is not a request, it is only an order.

Add “-세요” to the verb stem.

Imperative sentences are combined with verb stems.

Av + -(으)세요

가다 + -세요 = 가세요
기다리다 + -세요 = 기다리세요
공부하다 + -세요 = 공부하세요

입다 + -세요 = 입으세요
믿다 + -세요 = 믿으세요
읽다 + -세요 = 읽으세요

만들다 + -세요 = 만드세요
듣다 + -세요 = 들으세요

※Av = an action verb

No patchum in the stem

내일 아침에 연락 주세요.
Call me tomorrow morning.
저 사거리를 왼 쪽으로 가세요.
Take a left at that intersection.
점심시간에는 꼭 불을 끄세요.
Please be sure to turn off the lights during lunch break.

Add -세요 to verbs without patches.

Have a patchum in the stem

여기에 앉으세요.
Please take a seat here.
식사 전에 손을 잘 씻으세요.
Wash your hands thoroughly before eating.
이 기사를 한번 읽으세요.
Please read this article for a moment.

Verbs with patches are used with -으세요.

There’s also an imperative with a variant conjugation.

Cases of irregular changes are also presented.


우선 계정부터 만드세요.
Please create an account first.

The -세요 is added where the stem ㄹ patchum drops out.

Part of ㄷpatchum

제발 제 이야기를 들으세요.
Please, please listen to me.

The stem ㄷ patchum changes to ㄹ followed by -으세요.

Part of ㅂpatchum

어려운 어린이를 도우세요.
Please help a child in need.

Add -세요 where ㅂ changes to 우.

There’s a way to put it this way.

You can change the way you say things depending on the person you are talking to.

Depending on the speaker, -세요 may not be used.

잠깐 저기를 보십시오.
Look over there for a second.

When you want to speak formally, use “-십시오”.

But you would not talk this way to someone close to you.

쓰레기는 여기서 버려요.
Throw your garbage here.
이제 이 물건들을 다 정리해요.
Come on, get all these things straightened out.

-아요/어요 can also be used as a instructions.

By the way -세요 is a polite way to say it, if there is a separate respectful vocabulary, use it.

반드시 이 약을 드세요.
Be sure to take this medicine.

For example, the honorific for 먹다 or 마시다 is 드시다, so you can make it -세요.

List of imperative endings.

A simple table of endings used in imperative sentences is shown below.

Formal Informal
-(으)십시오 -(으)세요 -아요/어요

Use these differently depending on the person you are talking to and the situation.

Let’s practice various patterns by changing the endings and phrases.