training timingwhen때 【Training⑬】Let’s traning using “-ㄹ 때” to talk about the timing and when to do something. training -려고futureintentionpurpose 【Training⑫】Let’s traning using “-려고 하다” to talk the purpose and intention of actions. training -ㄹ까offeropinionproposalssuggestions 【Training⑪】Let’s traning using “-ㄹ까” to which raises a suggestion or question. training -면assumptionsconditionconnecting 【Training⑩】Let’s traning using “-면” to talk about assumptions and conditions. training -고connectingorder 【Training⑨】Let’s traning using “-고” to talk a story along the flow of time. training -ㄹ까question 【Training⑧】Let’s traning using “-ㄹ까?” to express questions in your mind. training -ㄹ 것이다-ㄹ/을conjecturforecast것 【Training⑦】Let’s traning using “ㄹ 것이다” to express your guesses. training -고multiple 【Training⑥】Let’s practice putting together multiple sentences using “-고”. training -아서/어서causereason 【Training⑤】Let’s practice sentences using “아서/어서” to show reasons. training -지만buthowever 【Training④】Let’s training sentences about the opposite using “-지만”. ≪ 1 2 3 4 ≫