Expressions related to numbers are an unavoidable part of learning a language.

There are two types of numeral expressions in Korean.

Many people may find it difficult to read them because of their different readings, but let’s practice how to read them and their basic usage.

The arabic number.

Arithmetic numbers are the basis of numerical expression.

This is a counting system used in mathematics, etc.

The arabic number.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10…

In Korean


It is easy the numbers such as ‘1=일, 2=이, 3=삼, 4=사…’.

Note the number containing “6.”

One-digit number


Two-digit number

11 십일
22 이십이
33 삼십삼
44 사십사
55 오십오
66 십육[육심뉵]
77 칠십칠
88 팔십찰
99 구십구

As we read 34 as 삼(3)+십(10)+사(4), numbers beyond 10 are simply expressed by connecting each number.

However, when “6” appears in the first position, as in 16, 26, and 36, the pronunciation of 육 is nasalized to “뉵”.

Three-digit number

300 삼백
7,000 칠천
60,000 육만[융만]
50万 오십만[심만]
900万 구백만[뱅만]
2億 이억

The basic expression is the same for numbers over 100, but 10,000 is pronounced “만” without the one.

100,000 and 1,000,000 are pronounced “심만/뱅만”.

Also, the pronunciation of 16000 changes to 만뉵천.

Note that numbers containing ‘ㅂ’ or ‘ㄱ’ in the patches can change pronunciation depending on the combination.

The Korean number

Korea’s unique counting system.

Korean number is difficult.

Be difficult for foreigners.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5…

In Korean number

하나, 둘, 셋, 넷, 다섯…

This complicated count goes up to 99.

How to read korean number?


1 하나(한)
2 둘(두)
3 셋(세)
4 넷(네)
5 다섯
6 여섯
7 일곱
8 여덟
9 아홉

‘1~4’ combined with 개 is “한 개, 두 개, 세 개, 네 개”.


11 하나
20 스물(스무)
22 스물
33 서른
44 마흔
55 다섯
66 예순여섯
77 일흔일곱
88 여든여덟
99 아흔아홉

’20’ becomes “스무 개” when combined with 개.
※사과 수무 개(an twenty apples)

Be able to say the number of pieces and your age in numbers.


105 다섯
7236  칠천이백서른여섯

When a number has more than three digits, numbers above 100 are expressed in Arabic numerals and then combined with Korean numbers below 99.

This combination of numbers is often used to news.

However, everything is often expressed in Arabic numerals.

“0” and how to read it

영 for Arabic numerals.

is mainly used in mathematics and science.

오늘의 최고기온이 몇 도입니까?
What is today’s maximum temperature?
오늘의 최고기온은 영점육도입니다.
Today’s maximum temperature is 0.6°C.

If the temperature is 0.3°C, it is 영점삼도.

By the way, a zero on a test is sometimes talked 빵점, and the amount of money “0 won” is sometimes talked 빵원.

공 as a strings.

is the image of an empty “circle.”

전화번호가 몇 번입니까?
What is your phone number?
전화번호는 ‘일이삼사 오육칠팔’입니다.
Phone number is ‘010-1234-5678’.

We use “공” for phone numbers, you can think of them as strings rather than numbers, and think of them as numbers being exchanged.

No “0” in Korean numers?

Korean numers count a number of things and do not use the concept of zero as in mathematics.

오이와 토마토가 몇 개 있습니까?
How many cucumbers and tomatoes?
오이는 없습니다. 토마토가 하나만 있습니다.
There are no cucumbers. There is only one tomato.

In other words, ‘zero’ would be “없다”.

You must first able to say about 1~20 in Korea numbers.