New Post Practice -지 마세요prohibitions 【Practice⑰】Let’s practice express prohibitions with using “-지 마세요”. Practice -세요instruction 【Practice⑯】Let’s practice sentences of instruction with using “-세요”. Practice can notimpossible못 【Practice⑮】Let’s practice sentences of “impossible” with using ‘못/-지 못하다’. Practice bad atgood atpoor at못잘 【Practice⑭】Let’s practice sentences of “good at” with using ‘잘/못’ . Practice -아요/어요irregularity conjugationthe polite 【Practice⑬】Let’s practice using ‘-아요/어요’ in the irregularity conjugation. Practice -아요/어요the polite 【Practice⑫】Let’s practice using ‘-아요/어요’ to make the polite language. Practice -았/었、the pastirregularity conjugation 【Practice⑪】Let’s practice using ‘-았/었/였’ to make the past tense. Practice -지 않다negative sentencenot안 【Practice⑩】Let’s practice using ‘안、-지 않다’ to make a negative sentences. Practice -ㅂ니까-ㅂ니다 【Practice⑨】Let’s practice using ‘-ㅂ니다/습니다’ to make a polite language. Practice -be-아니다negative sentencenot아니에요 【Practice⑧】Let’s practice using ‘-이/가 아니에요’ to make a negative sentence. 1 2 ≫