Let’s try to express the present progressive sentence in Korean.

If there is something you have been doing recently, it helps to describe it.

Expressing “ongoing” and “continuing.

Use it to be specific about the situation.

If you want to express the situation at that time in detail, use -고 있다.

Describe in detail.

학교에 가요.
I go to school.


학교에 가고 있어요.
I’m going to school.

In other words, they are currently moving toward the school.

It means that the action or condition is ongoing or continuing at that time.

How to use “-고 있다”.

-고 있다 should be combined with the verb stem.

Av + -고 있다/계시다

보다 + -고 있다 = 보고 있다
배우다 + -고 있다 = 배우고 있다
공부하다 + -고 있다 = 공부하고 있다

오다 + -고 있다 = 오고 계시다
기다리다 + -고 있다 = 기다리고 계시다

먹다 + -고 있다 = 드시고 계시다

하루에 세 문장씩 일기를 쓰고 있어요.
I write three lines a day in my journal.
이거는 감자와 닭고기를 끓이고 있어요.
This is simmering potatoes and chicken.
일주일에 두 번 과외 선생님한테 중국어를 배우고 있습니다.
I’m taking private Chinese lessons twice a week.
오랜만에 주방을 대청소하고 있어요.
It’s been a long time, I’m cleaning the kitchen.

In Korean, to keep repeating something regularly is also -고 있다.

Cases where -고 있다 feels difficult.

Use “계시다” for honorific expressions.

When expressed in honorific language, 계시다 is used instead of 있다.

할아버지는 TV를 보고 계세요.
Grandpa is watching TV.
각하께서 기다리고 계십니다.
The President is waiting for you.
먼저 드시고 계세요.
You can have it first.

However, if there is a respectful vocabulary such as 드시다, use that.

The state of wearing something or being equipped with something.

-고 있다 means that the situation is ongoing or continuing, see the next sentence.

너무 추워서 장갑을 끼고 있어요.
It’s incredibly cold, so I’m wearing gloves.
저 모자를 쓰고 있는 사람이 누구예요?
Who is the person wearing that hat?
사장님은 항상 비싼 손목시계를 차고 있어요.
The company president always wears an expensive watch.
그거는 나도 알고 있어요.
I know that too.

It can also mean “wearing” in this way.

The state of being equipped with clothing, accessories, or knowledge, etc. is a slightly different example.

Practice while imagining the situation.