Please don’t eat, don’t drink.
Do not enter.

Prohibition is used in imperative sentences to mean “do not ~”.

How to express prohibitions.

When you do not want them to do something.

When you do not want them to do something, what you need is to express prohibitions.

How to express prohibitions.

①혼자 가세요.
Go alone.

-지 말다
Don’t ~


③혼자 지 마세요.
Don’t go alone.

The “-세요” used for instructions can be combined with “-지 말다” to create the nuance of prohibition.

If you are unclear about the “-세요” imperative, let’s review it.

Add “-지 마세요” to the verb stem.

Prohibited sentences are added to the verb stem with “-지 마세요”.

Av + -지 마세요

가다 + -세요 = 가지 마세요
만나다 + -세요 = 만나지 마세요
공부하다 + -세요 = 공부하지 마세요

읽다 + -세요 = 읽지 마세요
듣다 + -세요 = 듣지 마세요
만들다 + -세요 = 만들지 마세요

※Av = an action verb

You don’t need to worry about whether there is a patchum in the stem of the word.

복도에서 뛰지 마세요.
Please do not run in the hallway.
약속시간에 절대 늦지 마세요.
Never be late for appointments.
그건 아무한테도 말하지 마세요.
Don’t tell anyone about that.
허락없이 남의 편지를 보지 마세요.
Don’t look at other people’s letters without permission.

It is easier to make sentences than other grammars.

There’s a way to put it this way for prohibition sentences.

When you want to speak formally, use “-지 마십시오”.

You can use “-지 마십시오” when speaking a prohibitive imperative in a formal manner.

아무 걱정하지 마십시오.
Don’t worry about anything.
3일동안 술을 드시지 마십시오.
Don’t drink alcohol for three days
이 시간에 창문을 열지 마십시오.
Do not open windows at this time

Although the combination of words is different, the usage is the same as “-지 마세요”.

You can change the way you say things depending on the person.

You do not have to be formal with those closest to you.

교과서에 낙서하지 마요.
Don’t scribble in the textbooks.
더 이상 그 여자를 만나지 마요.
Don’t see the woman any more.
내 등 뒤에 서지 말아.
Don’t get behind me.

-아요/어요, etc. are also prohibition sentences.

List of prohibition endings.

A simple table of endings used in prohibition sentences is shown below.

Formal Informal
-지 마십시오 -지 마세요 -지 말아요
-지 마요

Use these differently depending on the person you are talking to and the situation.

You can look at signs and directions and translate them into Korean.

Let’t practice with different variations.