Is there something you would like to do or experience?
In this lesson, you will learn grammar you can use to talk about them.
It’s try something.
Use it when trying something out, for example.
-아/어 보다 is often used in the sense of trying something out.
It’s try.
한 번 해요.
Do it once.
한 번 해 봅니다.
I’ll try it once.
It would mean “try it”.
The expression has a trial nuance.
How to use “-아/어 보다”.
-아/어 보다 should be used with verbs.
Av + -아/어/여 보다
가다 + -아/어 보다 = 가 봐요
오다 + -아/어 보다 = 와 봐요
받다 + -아/어 보다 = 받아 봐요
먹다 + -아/어 보다 = 먹어 봐요
입다 + -아/어 보다 = 입어 봐요
마시다 + -아/어 보다 = 마셔 봐요
생각하다 + -아/어 보다 = 생각해 봐요
검색하다 + -아/어 보다 = 검색해 봐요
The sentence form is ‘-아요/어요’ with just 보다 added.

I’ll try this tea.

You should see him.

I will try to read English books.

I’d like to try it once too.
-아/어 보다 will be more often combined with other grammar.
Remember to include “spaces”.
A common mistake with -아/어 보다 is splitting.

Then I’ll use it once. (ㅇ)

I’ll try to use it once. (×)
The principle is to write with spaces.
However, some words like 물어보다 should be noted there.
You can also use “-아/어 보다” like this.
Sometimes recommend something to the other person or encourage them to take action.
It is often used as an imperative, in which case it is a call to action, “Try ~”.

Taste a little of this.

If you don’t know a word, search for it in Never.

Try the hospital as soon as you can get an appointment.
You can also use it when you have something to recommend to the other person.
There’s also the nuance of “experiencing”.
It can also mean “experience” from trying something once.

Where did you go in Korea?

If you go to Japan, try driving a little.
If the nuance “to experience, to experience”, becomes an imperative, it means to recommend experiencing.

I would like to try heukdwaeji when I visit Jeju Island.
When used with 고 싶다, it expresses the intention to “I want to try to do”.
Let’s make various sentences and practice.