Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses.
In this time, let’s try to express these in simple sentences.
How to use “잘 and 못”
Indicates the degree of skill or ability.
잘/못 is a word that strengths and weaknesses.
잘 or 못 + Av
잘하다:excels at, good at
못하다:be bad at, can not
잘 못하다:not good at, be poor at
※Av = an action verb
Thus “what you can do” and “what you can not do” are expressed in terms of degrees of skill and ability.
There are three nuances that can be expressed.
The expression 잘 and 못 used to describe “good at, not good at” can be divided into three nuances.
잘하다(excels at, good at)

I excels at Tae Kwon Do.

I’m good at sports.
잘하다 indicates “excels at it, good at it.”
못하다(be bad at)

I am bad at cooking.

Soyeon can’t dance.
못하다 is a nuance of lack of skill or ability.
잘 못하다(not good at, be poor at)

I’m not good at study.

I am poor at spearking English.
잘 못하다 means something “be not good at, be poor at”.
Check point of “잘/못”.
Be careful with spacing.
Be careful with spacing of 잘 or 못.

Jihee, do you speak Japanese well?

I am a nondrinker.

I’m good at cooking kimchi jjigae and tenjang jjigae.
It is written by attaching them together like “잘하다, 못하다”.
What about when it’s not “~을/를 하다”?
It’s case of other than “~을/를 하다”.

Seona is s good skater.

Min-Soo is poor at playing the piano.

I’m not good at playing the flute.
In this case, with spacing.
In some cases, it’s not said “~을/를 하다”.
In the following cases, you also don’t say “~을/를 하다”.
行動 | 動詞 |
탁구 (table tennis) |
치다 |
당구 (billiards) |
치다 |
배드민턴 (badminton) |
치다 |
골프 (golf) |
치다 |
스키 (ski) |
타다 |
자건거 (bicycle) |
타다 |
기타 (guitar) |
치다 |
플루트 (flute) |
불다 |
트럼펫 (trumpet) |
불다 |
노래 (sing) |
부르다 |
바이올린 (violin) |
켜다 |
춤 (dance) |
추다 |
For example, “골프를 잘 치다”.

I’m good at billiards.

Hemi is not good at playing golf.

Hyun-Joo can’t play badminton.
Sports that have a specific vocabulary usage, such as 치다 and 타다, let’s learn them all together.
There are people in the world who cannot ride bicycles, but let’s also express these things in 잘/못.